Since I am on a fixed income, I have to do quite a bit of creative financing.
One if the ways I do this is by baking and selling cookies.
I usually have a selection of peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate chip. I bake for hours, bag up the sweet little gems three in a bag and walk my neighborhood selling them for $1 a bag.
I turn a nice little profit and it keeps me in pocket change.
Yesterday I was out doing my cookie thang and I'd just walked off to sell to someone else and this boy starts running down the street after me.
I think I have a new nickname. o.O
My hair has been loved off, my eyes have dropped out, I'm loose in the joints & I'm pretty damn shabby. But. . .I think I'm -finally- real.
I hate WalMart. I love the smells of new Crayolas, bacon & clean sheets. My *blank stare w/raised eyebrow* scares small children. I think Monsanto is the Anti-Christ and saying 'fuck' warms my frozen, Grinch heart.
*waves hello*
Very funny!