Friday, November 1, 2013

I don't owe you a damned thing.

"personally feel it's a bit rude to not reply, much like it's rude to not return a smile or greeting."

Yep, one small sentence and I am in a tizzy.

I'm an agoraphobe. On the RARE occasion I am actually out, I'm teetering on the edge of a panic attack.

So, you smile at me and expect a smile back?

Fuck you, I'm trying like hell to hold my shit together.

Before you started having expectations of me did you, even once, consider what my state of mind might be? Obviously not.


There's a myriad of reasons someone might not smile back, or say hello.

Their mother may have just died. Their child might be in the hospital. They may have just finished a grueling 18hr shift at work. They may be agoraphobic. They may be depressed. They may just think your smile is fucking creepy.

The thing is, in all of your entitlement, YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW THE REASONS and getting pissy because you expect to be acknowledged is just downright douchetastic and SELF-CENTERED.

The world revolves around the sun, not around you.

Think about that shit the next time you call someone stuck-up, or a bitch, because they didn't acknowledge your smile or hello.

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